Friday, May 20, 2011

Okay, so why do we fall in love?

I have been in love several times as anybody else. With it comes happy memories, and at its worst, bitter ones, too. We may have been enjoying the feeling of having someone who makes us happy, and feel more important, if not making us believe we are the most beautiful individuals! Beyond all the great credits we can give to having such times, have you also asked yourself why you fall in love in the first place?

There are countless thoughts about love. Most people, however, would likely agree if we say that this magical four letter word is affection strong enough that it can even outwit the smartest people on earth! Is it really wise to let the mind rule all the time? Or it should be the heart that should lead us to life’s myriad directions? With all the confusions of defining what it is, love exists in many forms. Each type has its own characteristics according to the ways we express it, or with the reason we do it. 

Generally, when people think of “falling in love”, they refer to romantic love. The kind that bonds two grown-up individuals (sometimes even younger than imagined) such as couples, or even husband and wife. There also are many reasons people do so. First, most people believe in finding their soul mate. Many believe that there is someone we are meant to be with. Second, some claimed they have been into the feeling of love at first sight. Here, we think that there is an immediate attraction. It would be perfect if both parties feel the same, sadly, in most cases, it is one-sided. Next is falling into love. This is when two people eventually discover they actually care for each other and develop feelings after some time of togetherness.

I am quite a keeper when it comes to love, but I guess I have completed the three mentioned. Whichever you may have experienced, however, can make you feel strong bonds, or even think that you actually complement each other. Some are lucky to have maintained that feeling in their life time, for some, it only takes years before fading completely. What a sad reality!

No one can ever say that one type is better than the other, but there are similarities most likely. Confused? That’s just fine! Even the brainiest grownups are feeling that way too! Experiencing love is special but too difficult to confirm. As most would agree, I think that if you come across love, hmmm… you‘ll know it!

I am quite a keeper when it comes to love, but I guess I have completed the three mentioned. Whichever you may have experienced, however, can make you feel strong bonds, or even think that you actually complement each other. Some are lucky to have maintained that feeling in their life time, for some, it only takes years before fading completely. What a sad reality!

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