Thursday, June 9, 2011

Divorce bill debated

With the Philippines as the only country in the world where divorce is not legal, the Filipinos are once again facing pressures to keep up with the changing times- and this includes social acceptance that marriage is not a lifetime commitment. This is by enacting a law that favors dissolving failed marriages. This is in addition to the much debated Reproductive Health Bill which the Catholic Church deem unacceptable and, thus, should be opposed.

For the proponents, legalizing divorce in the country is nothing but a revival of an abolished law. It has been presented that while we were under the Spaniards, the Filipinos who found irreconcilable differences with their partner may declare the marriage a mistake and will have the privilege to remarry freely.  They also stressed that the law, if enacted, shouldn’t be a much easier option for escaping marital problems, but should serve to protect women. According to the data from the Solicitor General, there are about 800 legal separation or annulment cases filed monthly, mostly by women or by Catholics.

While there is an undeniable opposition from the anti-divorce groups, advocates of the bill, which they prefer to as the “Filipino style”, say it is not of intention to make it easier like they do in Las Vegas.  That its purpose is merely to help troubled couples, especially women, resolve their marital issues and assist them to move on with their lives.  It is emphasized that the divorce law will only cater to people who have been legally separated for at least two years.

With much to be debated, solons are now pushing for the fate of the bill through a referendum.

Are Filipinos keeping up with changes? 


  1. I wouldn't say I am pro divorce but truth is there are many failed marriages... as humans, we make mistakes with our decisions and choices. The catholic church doesn't have to agree with this but the law is there to protect the citizens from possible harm to women, children and the family as a whole, that a failed marriage can do.

    Spanish Pinay

  2. Yes, I do agree with you. Not recognizing divorce will only make unhappy marriages worst. Of course, there must be some strict grounds for it to be granted.

  3. To force two people together who are unhappy together is uncivilised, so why does RP persist in this? Because, I think, of the power structure in which the catholic church has a large say. Albino Luciani was preparing to sanction divorce before he was murdered in 1979, but since then Wojtyla and Ratzinger have done nothing about it, and so set back women's interests by about 100 years... but when did the church ever care for those? Aaah well, ....

  4. Paul! Thanks for the dropping by. Indeed, it is mainly because of the church's influence. Many years ago, friars used to force women into sex slavery while trying to cover the truth with the authority of the church. Everybody knows that. Now, there have been countless controversies about priests who violate their vows of celibacy. In one way or another, enacting a divorce law will give both men and women more freedom to go on separate ways if they are unhappy. I have one concern; I just hope it won't make marriage seems like an elementary experiment. Given much lee way, I fear that many will marry not because they are really sure they love each other, but because it is easy to get away from it, anyway. Divorce law isn't a bad thing, we just need assurance it won't be an easy escape to marital troubles.
